TMJ Treatment – Langley, WA
Neuromuscular Harmony is the Goal
Have you ever considered that symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, ear pain, neck, shoulder, or back pain could be related to your bite? Most people haven’t, however, as many as 44 million Americans suffer from a condition known as “TMJ Dysfunction.”
In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, people who suffer from this condition might also experience clicking or popping in the jaw, jaw pain, locking or limited opening of your mouth, difficulty swallowing and sleep disruption. TMJ Dysfunction is a medical disorder treatable by dentists with proper training and education. If you think you may need TMJ treatment in Langley, reach out to us today.
Why Choose Saratoga Dental for TMJ Treatment?
- State-of-the-Art Myotronics K7 Diagnostic System
- 100% Free TMJ Pain Consultation
- Dentist with Special Training in TMJ Treatment
What is Neuromuscular Dentistry?

Neuromuscular dentistry is a dental treatment approach centered on the premise that the position that your teeth adopt when they come together in their "bite" should require the least amount of strain to your TMJ joint and muscles (while maintaining a good whole-body posture and open upper airway).
There are various “bite” problems which may lead to malfunction of the musculature responsible for the movement of the jaw and supporting muscles of the head and neck. These often lead to pain of the head and neck or other symptoms which may seem unrelated. If the jaw muscles are compensating because of an improper bite relationship, the result is malfunction of the trigeminal nerve and associated cranial nerves which in part make up the autonomic nervous system. Also, if the bad bite is causing the lower jaw to fit in a posterior position, which is almost always the case, the upper airway is then diminished.
The body's number one concern is oxygen, therefore it compensates for the retruded jaw and closed airway by adopting posture that opens the airway--a forward head posture. This allows oxygen to pass more easily into the lungs, but this is at the expense of the muscles of the posterior neck and leads to neck pain and headaches. These malfunctions and compensations are called craniomandibular dysfunction or CMD (also TMD or TMJ for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder).
CMD commonly causes chronic head, neck and/or facial pain. There are many causes of headaches. However, conservatively, 50% of those that suffer from headaches, including migraines, are really suffering from trigeminal nerve dysfunction due to masticatory (chewing) muscle overcompensation resulting from jaw alignment problems, CMD.
CMD is Treated Using Neuromuscular Concepts

Treatment begins with thorough diagnostic evaluation, including computerized jaw movement analysis, jaw muscle electromyography studies, and posture analysis. Then the jaw muscles are relaxed using ultra -low frequency TENS or gentle, soothing electrical impulses.
The jaw’s new, relaxed posture is then stabilized with an intraoral orthotic, a retainer like appliance. Just as the ankle or knee is stabilized with foot orthotics, the jaw is stabilized through the use of an intraoral orthotic. This allows the dentist to test and confirm the therapeutic effects of the new jaw posture. The goal of the bite realignment is to allow the muscles to remain relaxed while proper body posture is more easily maintained, and thus not painful.
This holistic approach is used to optimize complex or extensive dental treatment and can be applied to all aspects of dentistry including orthodontics and reconstructive therapy. The neuromuscular approach treats chronic and acute pain in a comprehensive and lasting way, thus protecting the patient from future problems.
Two Phase CMD Treatment

Treatment typically includes two phases. After consultation and financial arrangements have been made, treatment begins. Phase I typically lasts for about 3 months. Depending on the complexity of the problem— treatment is “evolutionary.” Levels of dysfunction unfold like layers of an onion and need various treatment modalities. This phase of pain treatment often entails the use of an intraoral orthotic (or splint) to reposition the lower jaw relative to the skull. These orthopedic changes allow reduction of muscle and nervous system strain. It may also require the assistance of other therapeutic modalities to relax splinted muscles of the head, neck and face.
Phase II includes treatment intended to stabilize the craniomandibular or jaw and muscle relationship established in Phase I. This usually begins after at least three months of a pain-free (or maximum medical improvement) state has been achieved. Orthodontics, reconstruction, prosthetics, or a combination of the three may be required to achieve stabilization.
The team’s thorough understanding of the musculoskeletal and autonomic nervous systems become the most valuable tool, for every treatment is different and every case is unique. Our up-to-date technology as well as years of experience have allowed us to give many people relief from decades of chronic pain.
Saratoga Dental provides brochures for you to read as well as a questionnaire that helps determine if this treatment may be right for you or someone you know. So, if you or someone close to you suffers with headache or facial pain, especially if the jaw joints pop, snap or grind when opening or closing, please call Saratoga Dental for a no-fee consultation.
TMD Treatment Options

Since a TMJ disorder can have many possible causes, your treatment will need to be customized based on your situation. Here’s a brief look at some of the ways we can help you find relief from TMJ-related pain.
Equilibration/Occlusal Adjustments

Sometimes your jaw may not be able to reach its natural resting position because your teeth don’t come together properly. Our team can adjust your bite with a treatment known as an occlusal adjustment. A bit of enamel may be filed away from the chewing surfaces of certain teeth, or we might build up some of your enamel with bonding. The treatment will help your upper and lower rows of teeth fit together properly so that they don’t put too much pressure on your jaw joints.
Orthotic Splints

In many cases, the symptoms of your TMJ disorder can be addressed with an oral appliance called an orthotic splint. This can adjust the alignment of your jaw, thus relieving some of the stress on your TMJs and muscles.
TENS Machine Treatment

A TENS machine uses low-voltage electrical currents to help your jaw muscles relax, and it encourages the body to produce endorphins that can reduce the pain that you’re experiencing. Each treatment session can be completed in a relatively short amount of time and enables patients to get the relief they need without having to rely on medication. The TENS machine is also used to help Dr. Giswold find the true relaxed position of your jaw and muscles so that an orthotic can be made to support that relaxed position.